The Bridgewater Barn
exposing evil & embracing love
I moved to Bridgewater at the start of lockdown in 2020. This is when our governor assured us that this was but a 2 week inconvenience to "flatten the curve." I knew that he was lying but I had just bought an old home and an old Barn. They both needed lots of work and I was new to this town. I choose to focus my attention on restoration work and not to speak out.
With very little money but with lots of love and hard work, the Barn was born. It is being repurposed as a freedom house, a learning and a healing center. It will be a place where souls are reborn and truth and integrity replace fear and death. It is a low budget operation, yet it is amazing. We give you beauty and the safety of a legal PMA (private membership association) to express and protect your constitutional freedoms, to think, to speak and to practice free choice especially when it comes to you health and spiritual beliefs. The more that mankind awakens to the quiet assault that is taking place on our freedoms, the more future members will realize the special nature of this place.
Quantum Thinking is blowing out the stale old air of the status quo. A fresh new value system scented with truth and creativity now fills this space. Exploitation and this reign of fear are ending. The days of blind obedience and thoughtless compliance are being replaced with hats inscribed with the words, "'I Do Not Consent.'" Evil is running out dark places to hide. The bright light of truth now shines where it has been dark for centuries. Evil now has fewer and fewer rocks to crawl under. During this time they will lash out with their fear sticks, big time. These dark occult kings and queens will do all they can to cling to their stolen empires while filling us with the fear of WWIII, FEMA camps and bug food. But the times they are a changing.
With very little money but with lots of love and hard work, the Barn was born. It is being repurposed as a freedom house, a learning and a healing center. It will be a place where souls are reborn and truth and integrity replace fear and death. It is a low budget operation, yet it is amazing. We give you beauty and the safety of a legal PMA (private membership association) to express and protect your constitutional freedoms, to think, to speak and to practice free choice especially when it comes to you health and spiritual beliefs. The more that mankind awakens to the quiet assault that is taking place on our freedoms, the more future members will realize the special nature of this place.
Quantum Thinking is blowing out the stale old air of the status quo. A fresh new value system scented with truth and creativity now fills this space. Exploitation and this reign of fear are ending. The days of blind obedience and thoughtless compliance are being replaced with hats inscribed with the words, "'I Do Not Consent.'" Evil is running out dark places to hide. The bright light of truth now shines where it has been dark for centuries. Evil now has fewer and fewer rocks to crawl under. During this time they will lash out with their fear sticks, big time. These dark occult kings and queens will do all they can to cling to their stolen empires while filling us with the fear of WWIII, FEMA camps and bug food. But the times they are a changing.
In the Quantum World.
Consciousness is the fabric of the universe
not wealth, not power and not materialism
This new model of reality changes everything. Most of the elite amassed their wealth and power through theft and exploitation and by not being in possession of a conscious. They will do all they can to chase us back into plato's cave.
Consciousness is the fabric of the universe
not wealth, not power and not materialism
This new model of reality changes everything. Most of the elite amassed their wealth and power through theft and exploitation and by not being in possession of a conscious. They will do all they can to chase us back into plato's cave.
Let me give you a glimpse of just how rich, the ultra rich are. The monetary inequity, the wealth discrepancy is Godlike, satanic is probably a better word.
If you were to spend $1000 per day it would take 2.7 million years to spend 1 trillion dollars. If you lived to 90 years of age that is approximately 3000 lifetimes. No wonder the ultra rich consider themselves beyond human intervention, because many of them are. If they can keep us enslaved in the material world its $64 per day for us versus 2.7 billion for them.
They desperately want to remain in charge, controlling our perceptions, designing our beliefs while we keep manifesting the world they want to see while they keep munching on our loosh energy.
- According to Google the world's average income in 2021 was $23,380 per year, that is $64 per day.
- We now have trillionaires running this planet. My calculator only goes to 10 million, but one trillion divided by 365 is 2.7 BILLION per day, versus 64.
- Can you even fathom this difference?
If you were to spend $1000 per day it would take 2.7 million years to spend 1 trillion dollars. If you lived to 90 years of age that is approximately 3000 lifetimes. No wonder the ultra rich consider themselves beyond human intervention, because many of them are. If they can keep us enslaved in the material world its $64 per day for us versus 2.7 billion for them.
They desperately want to remain in charge, controlling our perceptions, designing our beliefs while we keep manifesting the world they want to see while they keep munching on our loosh energy.
- Loosh is defined as the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans when feeling threatened, harmed or being killed.

We have become fully zombified, trained and conditioned to walk in "lock step'", with our masks on, distanced from others love energy and lined up for shots that often damage or kill us. What few dollars we have been able to save will be reset into a digitalized monetary system that tracks who we are by analyzing what we spend every dime on.
In this way they can be assured that our purchases reflect socially approved products and services that reflect our compliance with the system. If we obey we are granted access to our own money. If we do not then they turn our digital IDs "off", and we starve.
This was the plan until quantum thinking and science finally broke through decades of control and suppression. Humanity is now leaving Plato's cave in droves. When we adjust to the bright light of truth and freedom we will come to realize just how badly we have been deceived and just how powerful we really are.
In case you have any doubts, think about this.
In spite of decades of direct assault on our cells with war, famine, genocidal rulers, manufactured diseases and vaccines, poisons in the air we breathe, the water we drink, in our soil and in our food and in our pharmaceuticals, in spite of this 24/7 assault ...
In this way they can be assured that our purchases reflect socially approved products and services that reflect our compliance with the system. If we obey we are granted access to our own money. If we do not then they turn our digital IDs "off", and we starve.
This was the plan until quantum thinking and science finally broke through decades of control and suppression. Humanity is now leaving Plato's cave in droves. When we adjust to the bright light of truth and freedom we will come to realize just how badly we have been deceived and just how powerful we really are.
In case you have any doubts, think about this.
In spite of decades of direct assault on our cells with war, famine, genocidal rulers, manufactured diseases and vaccines, poisons in the air we breathe, the water we drink, in our soil and in our food and in our pharmaceuticals, in spite of this 24/7 assault ...
- we see, we smell, we taste, we chew, we swallow, we digest, we pee, we poo, we walk, we talk, we run, we listen, we hear, we think, we sing, we compose, we draw, we paint, we build, we destroy, we hate, we love, we sleep, we dance, we work, we play, we throw, we catch, we swim, we jump, we give, we take, we judge, we discern, we give, we smile, we take, we pray. we meditate, we shout, we cry, we suffer, we kiss, we make love, we hit, we hurt etc etc., AND the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day.
- additionally even with an environment intentionally contaminated and full of toxins, our immune system has done a magnificent job keeping us healthy . In fact the more money we spend on our health, the more sophisticate are the drugs and the technology the sicker we become.
Humans are born with the most intricate, complex and effective cellular communications system
on the planet .According to Google AI, the average adult male human has around
36 trillion cells — that's 36 followed by 12 zeros — while adult females have 28 trillion
and 10-year-old children have about 17 trillion."
When our evolution stops being suppressed and we start growing again, communications
with trillions of cells that have all been designed to "talk" with us will occur.
This will mark the end of evil and its grip on our life force energy. Some have it now.
Quantum science has shown us that an atom shot through a split window becomes either a particle (a tiny piece of matter) or a wave of energy or spirit, based on what the observer, observes. If a particle, a thing is seen, then a thing it becomes. OMG this means we have the power to manifest our own futures, based on what we see and believe.
on the planet .According to Google AI, the average adult male human has around
36 trillion cells — that's 36 followed by 12 zeros — while adult females have 28 trillion
and 10-year-old children have about 17 trillion."
When our evolution stops being suppressed and we start growing again, communications
with trillions of cells that have all been designed to "talk" with us will occur.
This will mark the end of evil and its grip on our life force energy. Some have it now.
Quantum science has shown us that an atom shot through a split window becomes either a particle (a tiny piece of matter) or a wave of energy or spirit, based on what the observer, observes. If a particle, a thing is seen, then a thing it becomes. OMG this means we have the power to manifest our own futures, based on what we see and believe.
Bruce Lipton calls it The Biology of Belief,
Lynne McTaggart calls it the Power of Intention,
Joe Dispenza calls it Becoming Supernatural,
Gregg Braden calls it being a Pure Human,
Dr Emoto was right in 2009 when he wrote about water and crystals
and how molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, our words, and our feelings.
This new consciousness is defining our next level souls.
Bruce Lipton calls it The Biology of Belief,
Lynne McTaggart calls it the Power of Intention,
Joe Dispenza calls it Becoming Supernatural,
Gregg Braden calls it being a Pure Human,
Dr Emoto was right in 2009 when he wrote about water and crystals
and how molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, our words, and our feelings.
This new consciousness is defining our next level souls.
We now know that we manifest our realities based on what we see and believe. Evil has known this for decades. They fill us with low level survival thoughts and fears of dying from a fake flu, if we do not comply. The goal of evil is to keep us confused, overwhelmed and in fear. We then manifest a world of fear that has been conceived and scripted by them.
It is called perception management. Our beliefs are trained and conditioned by evil forces so we manifest exactly the world evil wants us to see. They can then keep feeding off our loosh. while we remain convinced that there is nothing we can do but follow the script.
We are learning though, that the power of what we can't see and the high level feelings that come from these invisible forces of love, children, chi friendship, placebo, music, art, creativity, happiness, joy, laughter, awareness, attention, intention and manifestation are far more powerful than are these Deep State controlled illusions based on fear. The power of our love energy and spirit extends far beyond the power of the material and the physical world. Things are not hopeless and we are not helpless.
Quantum Thinking has reignited our evolution and is retooling our awareness from things to spirit Soon this massive shit show of illusion and moral depravity will end. It is time to leave the Truman show and look behind the curtain.
It is called perception management. Our beliefs are trained and conditioned by evil forces so we manifest exactly the world evil wants us to see. They can then keep feeding off our loosh. while we remain convinced that there is nothing we can do but follow the script.
We are learning though, that the power of what we can't see and the high level feelings that come from these invisible forces of love, children, chi friendship, placebo, music, art, creativity, happiness, joy, laughter, awareness, attention, intention and manifestation are far more powerful than are these Deep State controlled illusions based on fear. The power of our love energy and spirit extends far beyond the power of the material and the physical world. Things are not hopeless and we are not helpless.
Quantum Thinking has reignited our evolution and is retooling our awareness from things to spirit Soon this massive shit show of illusion and moral depravity will end. It is time to leave the Truman show and look behind the curtain.
according to Google AI
consciousness is the state of being aware of and responsive to the world around you
a good conscience is the ability to distinguish right from wrong and to act accordingly.
David Hawkins published a book in 2020 called The Map of Consciousness Explained. In it, he outlines different behaviors and the energy levels they emit. These levels relate to a calibrated scale of consciousness rated from 1 - 1000. I have copied this map here, for your reference.
Don't you see? Evil survives by sucking us down into their dense, dark, low level
energy world of survival, into the survival paradigm
Here they graze on our anguish, our suffering, our anger and our hate.
As we enhance our consciousness, as we grow, as we evolve, we become lighter and brighter and more spiritual. The more we evolve the more we leave the survival world and embrace a freer, more creative and more spiritual existence. Here the love of life drives our meaning and purpose, not the fear of death.
only that our discoveries and exposures and all this suffering energy is repurposed
with the vision, the focus, the intention and the manifestation of a new conscious and loving planet..
For those that choose to become members here, I am rewarding this thinking and courage with membership at the Barn that grants free access to this place and all of our resources here, which also includes free accommodations.
We come from the Gods, not Apes. In our opinion it is time for humanity to embrace
much higher standards for conscious living in a free society, on a loving planet.
Come join us and start evolving again
as a New World unfolds and humanity takes part in
The Great Awakening
energy world of survival, into the survival paradigm
Here they graze on our anguish, our suffering, our anger and our hate.
As we enhance our consciousness, as we grow, as we evolve, we become lighter and brighter and more spiritual. The more we evolve the more we leave the survival world and embrace a freer, more creative and more spiritual existence. Here the love of life drives our meaning and purpose, not the fear of death.
only that our discoveries and exposures and all this suffering energy is repurposed
with the vision, the focus, the intention and the manifestation of a new conscious and loving planet..
For those that choose to become members here, I am rewarding this thinking and courage with membership at the Barn that grants free access to this place and all of our resources here, which also includes free accommodations.
We come from the Gods, not Apes. In our opinion it is time for humanity to embrace
much higher standards for conscious living in a free society, on a loving planet.
Come join us and start evolving again
as a New World unfolds and humanity takes part in
The Great Awakening
I wish to extend a special thanks to all the wonderful people that helped me salvage the Barn physically
and who have patiently stood by, as the Barn has gone through several gyrations. Together we are all part of the magic
here and together we will keep consciously evolving and learning how to look beyond evil and embrace beauty, love. and the lightness of being.
and who have patiently stood by, as the Barn has gone through several gyrations. Together we are all part of the magic
here and together we will keep consciously evolving and learning how to look beyond evil and embrace beauty, love. and the lightness of being.
PO Box 86 - 6818 US 4 -- Bridgewater VT 05034
Explore becoming a member today at
or by calling 802 279-7508
Explore becoming a member today at
or by calling 802 279-7508