THE BRIDGEWATER BARN Membership Agreement basically you agree to be a good person
The Barn is a place to discuss, to explore and to develop new ways of thinking, healing and living based in awareness and truth, honesty and integrity. We believe in life the way it should be, ---- NOT the way it is.
Barn Members agree to 1. do no harm -- nor deceive others. 2. honor the constitution especially our right to think, to speak freely, to respect each person's sovereign right to make independent health choices, independent of threat or cohesion.
3. honor our sovereign rights
to freely express our love for God
to have independent thoughts and the freedom to express these thoughts orally and in writing without censorship by any outside entity. to peacefully assemble.
to petition government for a redress of grievances to correct violations, inconsistencies and misapplications of the Constitution.
to respect each member's complete sovereignty to decide for themselves what they believe in, who they are, who they associate with, where they travel, and how they will feed and care for their body, mind, spirit and soul.
4. hold harmless and to understand that no ‘doctor-patient’ relationship exists among our members or our service providers, (unless otherwise stated). They do not do provide services in the capacity of licensed providers, but rather as caring private citizens.
5. indemnify and hold harmless,
all providers of services at The Barn, other members, the owners and/or guests of The Barn from any and all liabilities unless deliberate harmful intent can be proven.
6. work with other Barn members to question and support our elected official's who adheres to the Constitution and who openly ensures that NO private and or public entity such as the WHO or the CDC, will ever have the right to override our individual and fundamental rights to freely choose, without coercion, mandates or martial law, medical treatment choices as we see fit.
7. be a loyal and supportive friend with other members. _____
8. I understand that I can withdraw from this Agreement and end my membership at any time by emailing bbmember2023@gmail.comor by submitting a written letter to Barn Management, PO Box 86 Bridgewater VT 05034.
9. I understand that all disputes arising under this Agreement shall be put in writing and will be put to the full vote our membership. For actions to occur ... 80% of said members must concur.
10. I enter into this Agreement of my own free will and acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the above stated terms and will follow Barn Rules as described below.
Barn Rules 1. No smoking - Very old building no smoking inside. Smoking areas outside will be provided. 2. Members and guests will conduct themselves honorably, with integrity, courtesy and respect for others at all times.
Membershipis easy Sign and Print the agreement, mail it in and we will mail you back a membership card. Or fill out an agreement out when attending your first event
PO Box 86 - 6818 US 4 -- Bridgewater VT 05034 Explore becoming a member today at or by calling 802 279-7508